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Hach China
400-686-8899 / 800-840-6026

CA610 Flouride Electrode Fill Procedure

● 问题咨询

CA610 Flouride Electrode Fill Procedure

● 关键词摘要


● 解答

The fluoride ISE is the top electrode.
1.Unscrew the metal shell, remove the electrode and disconnect from the BNC connector.
2.Remove the tan colored O-ring from the flow cell.
3.Carefully wipe off the surface of the flow cell.  Be careful not to lose the O-ring.  
4.Slide the metal shell down the cable.
5.Unscrew the tip of the  electrode from the body of the electrode.
6.Upon removal of the electrode tip, inspect the sealing O-ring at the base of the threads on the body. Replace if torn or damaged . It is recommended that the O-ring (Product # 1325300) be replaced with every new tip.
7.Fill a syringe with fluoride electrode fill solution (Product # 4450126).
8.Set the tip of the electrode on a table, face down.
9.Fill the tip full of fill solution.
10.Hold the electrode body, open end up.
11.Insert the syringe tip down into the electrode (be careful not to damage the wire in the electrode).
12.Fill the electrode body to the top, then continue injecting solution as you remove the syringe tip from the electrode.
13.Turn the electrode body upside down - open end down - and screw it into the electrode tip.
14.Blot off any drips on the electrode.
15.Do not wipe totally dry!  Excessive wiping can create a static charge on the electrode that will cause erroneous readings!




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